Evolution of Classrooms
Take a look at these examples;
Here is a phone
from 150 years ago
from 150 years ago

…here is a
modern day phone
modern day phone

Here is a car
from 150 years ago
from 150 years ago

…here is a car
of today
of today

Here is a textbook from 150 years ago

…here is a textbook of today

…and here are the Pocket Classrooms “virtual” textbooks

Here is a
150 years ago
150 years ago

…here is a “non
Pocket Classrooms”
classroom of today
Pocket Classrooms”
classroom of today

…and here are the Pocket Classrooms “virtual” classrooms

Make you think, doesn’t it? There is the old adage, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and still expecting a different result!” We aren’t equipping our students with what they need because we aren’t modernizing what we teach and how we teach it to keep up with a fast changing world that is dominated by technology. We are stuck in an education system that is not equipping students for the future, but rather for an era that is long gone.
To have a brighter future, we need to embrace change and overcome all the challenges that brings.